Command | Description |
h | move left |
j | move down |
k | move up |
l | move right |
ctrl + b | page up |
ctrl + f | page down |
$ | move to end of the line |
0 | move to beginning of the line |
^ | move to the first non-blank character of the line |
G | jump to end of the file |
gg | jump to beginning of the file |
10G | got to line |
w | move foward to the word |
b | move backward to the beginnig of a word |
} | jump foward one paragraph |
{ | jump backward one paragraph |
Editing commands
Command | Description |
d | cut |
y | copy |
p | paste |
dd | delete line |
yy | copy line |
u | undo |
red | redo |
~ | upper or lower case |
i | start insert mode at cursor |
I | insert at the beginnig of the line |
a | append after cursor |
A | append the end of the line |
ea | append the end of the word |
Search commands
Command | Description |
/text | search forward in the document for text |
n | move foward to the search result |
N | move backward to the search result |
File editing commands
Command | Description |
w | write to file |
e | open file |
pwd | show current directory |
cd | switch Vim to directory |
:browse e | open dialog |
:q | close |
:q! | close and drop changes |
Command | Description |
zR | open all |
zM | close all |
zo | open |
zc | close |
Command | Description |
:set list | display whitespaces |
:set nolist | displays normaly |
:copen | opens error window |
:cclose | closes error window |
:set expandtab | to insert space characters whenever the tab key is pressed |
:retab | to change all the existing tab characters to match the current tab settings |
:TlistToggle | opens the taglist window |